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Contact Janice & Bio Information

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Welcome to EFT with Janice Smylie

Janice Smylie, CHt, NLP, Reiki II, EFT,
EFT Practitioner Trainer, EFT Coach & Practitioner

Hearing about new EFT Practitioner’s 
client successes is rewarding!

Janice loved learning everything about EFT.
After all these years she is still as excited
by the meaningful results which
EFT can bring you!

Janice uses Tapping with you to help you release pain, powerlessness, and the hurt/harm of past experiences, so you can achieve your goals.  Contact Janice to benefit by becoming a new EFT Practitioner, or to get your best results as a Tapping client.

Janice has been using EFT since 2003 and teaching EFT since 2004 with Gary’s approved EFT training content.  Attending four major training events with Gary Craig, the Founder of EFT, Janice also did some personal work with Gary, as well.  The Borrowing Benefits Conference was enlightening, and the two EFT Conferences on Serious Diseases opened many doors of new awareness.  Janice was very happy to attend an EFT Masters Training program, which was by invitation only!

Janice studied 100’s of hours of Gary Craig’s EFT Trainings, following through on Gary’s ongoing training series, and learned the “Art of Delivery” along with other skills by attending more EFT Conferences and workshops.  Presenters Steve Wells & Dr. David Lake (the boys from Down Under), and Paula Dale Teplitz (from Gary’s PTSD training videos) and others, shared their personal and client experiences and expertise. 

Janice’s EFT training, and background within EFT is substantial.  

The TFT Boot Camp Janice attended was also great interactive educational information. (TFT is Thought Field Therapy, Dr. Callahan’s Tapping Algorithms – upon which EFT is based.  Gary Craig developed EFT as a self-applied version of TFT.  TFT was at that time a diagnostically assessed clinician applied version of Tapping.)

Janice is trained in Reiki and Energy Healing, and sees the value in Gary Craig’s newest work, The Unseen Therapist… and has updated Practitioner Training to include the values from Gary’s Gold Standard EFT and Unseen Therapist work.  Janice still loves the empowerment she sees as clients use EFT’s Meridian Tapping to physically Tap on acupressure release points, to clear whatever is ‘wrong’ or unfulfilled in their view of the world, or personal situations.   

Scroll quickly from here to the bottom of the page if you just want to see the more detailed list of Janice’s education / certifications. 

Welcome to EFT with Janice Smylie

Janice Smylie, CHt, NLP, Reiki II, EFT,
EFT Practitioner Trainer, EFT Coach & Practitioner

Hearing about new EFT Practitioner’s 
client successes is rewarding!

Janice loved learning everything about EFT.
After all these years she is still as excited
by the meaningful results which
EFT can bring you!

Janice uses Tapping with you to help you release pain, powerlessness, and the hurt/harm of past experiences, so you can achieve your goals.  Contact Janice to benefit by becoming a new EFT Practitioner, or to get your best results as a Tapping client.

Janice has been using EFT since 2003 and teaching EFT since 2004 with Gary’s approved EFT training content.  Attending four major training events with Gary Craig, the Founder of EFT, Janice also did some personal work with Gary, as well.  The Borrowing Benefits Conference was enlightening, and the two EFT Conferences on Serious Diseases opened many doors of new awareness.  Janice was very happy to attend an EFT Masters Training program, which was by invitation only!

Janice studied 100’s of hours of Gary Craig’s EFT Trainings, following through on Gary’s ongoing training series, and learned the “Art of Delivery” along with other skills by attending more EFT Conferences and workshops.  Presenters Steve Wells & Dr. David Lake (the boys from Down Under), and Paula Dale Teplitz (from Gary’s PTSD training videos) and others, shared their personal and client experiences and expertise. 

Janice’s EFT training, and background within EFT is substantial.  

The TFT Boot Camp Janice attended was also great interactive educational information. (TFT is Thought Field Therapy, Dr. Callahan’s Tapping Algorithms – upon which EFT is based.  Gary Craig developed EFT as a self-applied version of TFT.  TFT was at that time a diagnostically assessed clinician applied version of Tapping.)

Janice is trained in Reiki and Energy Healing, and sees the value in Gary Craig’s newest work, The Unseen Therapist… and has updated Practitioner Training to include the values from Gary’s Gold Standard EFT and Unseen Therapist work.  Janice still loves the empowerment she sees as clients use EFT’s Meridian Tapping to physically Tap on acupressure release points, to clear whatever is ‘wrong’ or unfulfilled in their view of the world, or personal situations.   

Scroll quickly from here to the bottom of the page if you just want to see the more detailed list of Janice’s education / certifications. 

My underlying belief is: there is always hope!

When we hurt, we can forget to choose, to hope for, and to expect good things!
I lived almost 20 years in chronic pain, then THAT PAIN RELEASED, with Tapping!
I don’t want anyone to stay in physical or emotional pain when
there IS something you CAN DO.  EFT can help!  So…


Never give up… no matter how serious your issue or challenges may seem.   
Get the help you need.  Sometimes you might need encouragement or support
while you are stressed, or challenged, or overwhelmed. 

Of all the healing modalities I have learned in the last 25 years,
EFT stands head and shoulders above all the others.

There’s the speed with which EFT can bring results.  A depth of release,
heart-felt wellness, and all the measurable benefits you can experience with EFT.

It’s never too late to change your inner dialogue, or to find freedom from trauma.

My underlying belief is: there is always hope!

When we hurt, we can forget to choose, to hope for, and to expect good things!  I lived almost 20 years in chronic pain, then THAT PAIN RELEASED, with Tapping!  I don’t want anyone to stay in physical or emotional pain when
there IS something you CAN DO.  EFT can help!  So…


Never give up… no matter how serious your issue or challenges may seem.   Get the help you need.  Sometimes you might need encouragement or support while your are stressed, or challenged, or overwhelmed. 

Of all the healing modalities I have learned in the last 25 years, EFT stands head and shoulders above all the others.

There’s the speed with which EFT can bring results.  A depth of release, heart-felt wellness, and all the measurable benefits you can experience with EFT.

It’s never too late to change your inner dialogue, or to find freedom from trauma.

is overcoming a huge challenge possible?

My own life experiences with trauma are part of why
I care so much about helping to actively release pain and trauma.

And you? Are your most serious challenges from the past
or from the present? Are you a Perfectionist? or a People Pleaser?
When you are challenged, do you just keep working
even after you're frustrated or exhausted?

At times, has happiness in your life seemed far away, or unobtainable?
I can relate to that. I've been there... as a child, and as an adult.

It was EFT that gave me freedom from pain, the ability to see
new possibilities, and then grow into new feelings of real happiness.

My story?  After a horrific car crash in 1983, I desperately needed to find some kind of emotional and physical pain relief, but nothing helped.  Nothing in my life had prepared me for being crushed, trapped in my car by a drunk driver.  There were six painful months in hospital, and then 5 “repair” surgeries.  Physiotherapy was incredibly painful but it finally ended, after 3 years.  Then, without clinical support, I weaned myself off synthetic narcotics.  The next 19 years (taking Tylenol 4) held no escape from chronic pain, all day, every day. 

My doctors did not offer hope for improvement.  I did not expect my situation to change.  Even though my life was interesting, being in pain was HARD. New stresses / unhappy situations sometimes made the pain seem worse.  When a wholistic Doctor finally offered me “something natural” for pain and depression, I didn’t even ask what “it” was.  I was willing to try ANYTHING!

So, suddenly and surprisingly in 2003 my life changed when I found EFT.  Simply Tapping on all those things I could not control, and the things I wished had never happened… changed EVERYTHING!   The pain and depression disappeared.  I got my life back in a really meaningful way.  I felt SO much better that I wouldn’t have believed it, if it hadn’t happened, to me! 

Chronic pain wore me down.  Much less happiness; more time living in survival mode.  Life became emotionally challenging; I went through cycles of depression.  Tylenol 4 didn’t kill the pain, and every action took effort.  I went to work every day.  I cooked, baked, did the laundry and everything else that was expected of me.  The more I appeared to “cope” well, the less help I received.  My marriage which looked “perfect” on the surface, declined in private, to be emotionally abusive.  Unlike the strong capable woman I had always previously been, I felt powerless and numb, somehow unable to leave.

Almost “out of the blue”, while still living in England, I found Emotional Freedom Techniques.  EFT totally changed (saved) my life.  Tapping turned off my emotional overwhelm.  The depression I’d been stuck within, released. It was like I suddenly “woke up”!  I found my empowerment again, and when I gave myself permission to leave my abusive husband, then actually left him, it was such an amazing release, that I never looked back. 

But more than emotional freedom for change happened.  When EFT released my intense emotional overwhelm, it also turned my pain level down to somewhere between whisper mode and completely off.   As we Tapped on my “emotional challenges” (the situations in which I felt pressured), and the loss/grief of the situations which had NOT turned out well in my life, the physical pain, my chronic pain, turned all the way OFF!   

I wouldn’t have believed chronic pain could switch off,  if I hadn’t experienced it myself!  

But, there I was, pain-free!   I got my life back – a life that finally felt worth living! 

I was shocked and surprised.  It was wonderful!  For me, it was just like a switch had flipped.  I reconnected to feeling alive. Inspired by this amazing new freedom from pain, my curiosity turned on.  I felt compelled to learn EVERYTHING about Tapping!  I’ve attended four EFT Conferences in the USA with Gary Craig the Founder of EFT… followed by 100’s of hours of studying EFT & specialty EFT courses, and attending other EFT conferences!  

A little like “paying it forward” I now feel hugely rewarded by training new EFT Practitioners.

Why did I learn everything possible about eft?

  • Because I had spent far too many years in pain – and was amazed that things COULD change for me!
  • I know how exhausting chronic pain is, and how it can dull the happiness of even a ‘good life’.
  • feeling powerless over life’s emotional and physical traumas really sucks.
  • I have empathy for anyone who is struggling with overwhelming past or present circumstances.
  • to change feelings of believing there is little hope, or that everything is ‘outside my control’

SO IMPORTANT – I know meaningful change IS possible!  (I’ve been down a dark road, and I got my light back.)

The truly most important part is… YOU.  Your life is ALL about you.  You get to decide what you will or will not do.  What rules you make for yourself.  It’s your choice.  What do you think is possible?  What new freedom or happiness do you want for yourself?        

When you’re ready to try EFT, I can help you with Tapping.  Give yourself the gift of taking action for yourself now!

is overcoming a huge challenge possible?

My own life experiences with trauma are part of why I care so much about helping to release you from pain and trauma.

And you? Are your most serious challenges from the past or from the present? Are you a perfectionist? or a People Pleaser? When you are challenged, do you just keep working even after you're frustrated or exhausted?

At times, has happiness in your life seemed far away, or unobtainable? I can relate to that. I've been there... as a child, and as an adult.

It was EFT that gave me freedom from pain, the ability to see new possibilities, and then grow into new feelings of real happiness.

  • Because I had spent far too many years in pain, & I was amazed that things COULD change SO much for me!
  • I know how exhausting chronic pain is, and how it can dull the happiness of even a ‘good life’.
  • feeling powerless over life’s emotional and physical traumas really sucks.
  • I have empathy for anyone who is struggling with overwhelming past or present circumstances.
  • to change feelings of believing there is little hope for me, there is no point, or that everything is ‘outside my 
      control’ – into the empowerment of believing there is always hope – then raising my energy for action –
      while getting brave enough to begin taking real steps towards all the things I CAN DO.  It’s life changing.

SO IMPORTANT – I know meaningful change IS possible!  (I’ve been down a dark road, and I got my light back.)

The truly most important part is… YOU.  Your life is ALL about you.  You get to decide what you will or will not do.  What rules you follow, and what rules you will rewrite for yourself.  It’s your choice.  What do you think is possible?  What new freedom or happiness do you want for yourself?        

When you’re ready to try EFT, I can help you with Tapping.  Give yourself the gift of taking action for yourself now!

My story?  After a horrific car crash in 1983, I desperately needed to find some kind of emotional and physical pain relief, but nothing helped.  Nothing in my life had prepared me for being crushed, trapped in my car by a drunk driver.  There were six painful months in hospital, and then 5 “repair” surgeries.  Physiotherapy was incredibly painful but it finally ended, after 3 years.  Then, without clinical support, I weaned myself off synthetic narcotics.  The next 19 years (taking Tylenol 4) held no escape from chronic pain, all day, every day. 

My doctors did not offer hope for improvement.  I did not expect my situation to change.  Even though my life was interesting, being in pain was HARD. New stresses / unhappy situations sometimes made the pain seem worse.  When a wholistic Doctor finally offered me “something natural” for pain and depression, I didn’t even ask what “it” was.  I was willing to try ANYTHING!

So, suddenly and surprisingly in 2003 my life changed when I found EFT.  Simply Tapping on all those things I could not control, and the things I wished had never happened… changed EVERYTHING!   The pain and depression disappeared.  I got my life back in a really meaningful way.  I felt SO much better that I wouldn’t have believed it, if it hadn’t happened, to me! 

Chronic pain wore me down.  Much less happiness; more time living in survival mode.  Life became emotionally challenging; I went through cycles of depression.  Tylenol 4 didn’t kill the pain, and every action took effort.  I went to work every day.  I cooked, baked, did the laundry and everything else that was expected of me.  The more I appeared to “cope” well, the less help I received.  My marriage which looked “perfect” on the surface, declined in private, to be emotionally abusive.  Unlike the strong capable woman I had always previously been, I felt powerless and numb, somehow unable to leave.

Almost “out of the blue”, while still living in England, I found Emotional Freedom Techniques.  EFT totally changed (saved) my life.  Tapping turned off my emotional overwhelm.  The depression I’d been stuck within, released. It was like I suddenly “woke up”!  I found my empowerment again, and when I gave myself permission to leave my abusive husband, then actually left him, it was such an amazing release, that I never looked back. 

But more than emotional freedom for change happened.  When EFT released my intense emotional overwhelm, it also turned my pain level down to somewhere between whisper mode and completely off.   As we Tapped on my “emotional challenges” (the situations in which I felt pressured), and the loss/grief of the situations which had NOT turned out well in my life, the physical pain, my chronic pain, turned all the way OFF!   

I wouldn’t have believed chronic pain could switch off,  if I hadn’t experienced it myself!  

But, there I was, pain-free!   I got my life back – a life that finally felt worth living! 

I was shocked and surprised.  It was wonderful!  For me, it was just like a switch had flipped.  I reconnected to feeling alive. Inspired by this amazing new freedom from pain, my curiosity turned on.  I felt compelled to learn EVERYTHING about Tapping!  I’ve attended four EFT Conferences in the USA with Gary Craig… followed by studying, and attending more EFT conferences!  

A little like “paying it forward” I now feel hugely rewarded by training new EFT Practitioners.

Why did I learn everything possible about eft?

  • Because I had spent far too many years in pain – and was amazed that things COULD change for me!
  • I know how exhausting chronic pain is, and how it can dull the happiness of even a ‘good life’.
  • feeling powerless over life’s emotional and physical traumas really sucks.
  • I have empathy for anyone who is struggling with overwhelming past or present circumstances.
  • to change feelings of believing there is little hope, or that everything is ‘outside my control’

SO IMPORTANT – I know meaningful change IS possible!  (I’ve been down a dark road, and I got my light back.)

The truly most important part is… YOU.  Your life is ALL about you.  You get to decide what you will or will not do.  What rules you make for yourself.  It’s your choice.  What do you think is possible?  What new freedom or happiness do you want for yourself?        

When you’re ready to try EFT, I can help you with Tapping.  Give yourself the gift of taking action for yourself now!

EFT doesn't do everything for everyone,
yet what it does do may astound you!

Gary Craig, Founder of EFT

For Contact / About Page

Janice's Training and Wellness Education

  • EFT Trainings with Gary Craig, Founder of EFT  2002
  • EFT Training, EFT Basics in Client-Focused Work
  • Emotional Issues, Physical Issues, and Addictive Cravings
  • Toxins, Phobias, Persistence, Common Problems
  • Ultimate Therapist Training
  • Emotions Blocking Healing, Emotions Causing Illness
  • Details of Focus, Getting Yourself Out of the Way
  • Palace of Possibilities Training
  • Business, Ethics, Choices and Beliefs
  • Borrowing Benefits
  • Money Blocks, Couples Counseling, Being Confident,
  • Rejection, Spiritual Growth, Fear of Making Presentations
  • Social Discomfort, Weight Issues, Repressed Memories
  • Specialty Series 1 & 2
  • Weight Loss, Limiting Beliefs & Addictions
  • EFT for Business & Peak Performance
  • EFT for Children and use in Schools
  • Relationships, Sexual Trauma,
  • Vision Issues, Trauma, and PTSD
  • EFT – Choices Method
  • Conferences/work with Gary Craig, Founder of EFT  2002-2004
  • Borrowing Benefits Conference,  Serious Diseases 1 Conference
  • Serious Diseases 2 Conference,  Masters Designation Conference
  • EFT Conference  EFT & PET (Provocative Energy Technique)  w/ Dr. David Lake & Steven Wells  2004
  • EFT Workshops Trauma and Wellness, Healing with EFT  San Diego w/ Paula Dale Teplitz  2009
  • Additional Modalities and/or Ongoing Trainings:
  • Introduction to Alternative Wellness Courses:  Iridology, Colour Therapy, & Kinesiology  1982
  • Basic Healers Training Level I – National Federation of Spiritual Healers (NFSH)  2003
  • NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) – w/ Richard Bandler (& Paul McKenna)  2003
  • Advanced Hypnotherapist – Hypnotherapy Training Institute (HTI) w/ Randall Churchill  Sept 2003
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist – Hypnotherapy Training Institute (HTI) w/ Randal Churchill  Apr 2004
  • Certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy – American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE)  Apr 2004
  • Past Life Regression for Hypnotherapists – NGH Conf., w/ Richard Sutphen  2004
  • Conklin Method of Cellular Cleansing – w/ Patti Conklin  2004
  • Vibrational Medicine – w/ Patti Conklin  2005
  • Ongoing Membership w/ National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) since 2005
  • Bariatric Surgery Support for the Mind – NGH Conf. w/ Rosemary Schulman  2008
  • Emotional Intelligence – NGH Conf. w/ Beryl Comar, Trainer & Author  2008
  • Usui Reiki II  &  Energy Healing – w/ Susan Fox, AA  2008
  • Energy Healing – 4 years in structured programs  2009-2013
  • Brain Gender Science – NGH Conf. w/ Beverly Taylor, Trainer  2011
  • Brain Dialogue Level I – w/ Susan Fox, AA  2011
  • Munay Ki Shaman Training – w/ Doug Horne, Spiritual Teacher  2011
  • Four Winds Rites of Initiation – w/ Doug Horne, Spiritual Teacher  2012
  • Brain Dialogue Level II – w/ Susan Fox, AA  2012
  • Hypnotic Wording for Energy Healing – w/ Susan Fox, AA  2013
  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Bootcamp – Work of Dr. R. Callahan, Creator of TFT  2014
  • Sound Wellness for Life – Sound Wellness Institute w/ Sharon Carne, B.Mus, MFA.  2014-2016
  • Sound Wellness for Others – Sound Wellness Institute w/ Sharon Carne, B.Mus, MFA.  2014-2016
  • Sound Wellness Practitioner – Sound Wellness Institute w/ Sharon Carne, B.Mus, MFA.  2015-2019
  • Business of Business – w/ Ed Carne, Bus. Mgr., Sound Wellness Institute 2019
  • Ethos Business Works Entrepreneur Program – w/ Garth Epp, Business Coach  2020
  • Book Writing Program – w/ Brian Tracy, Author  2021
  • Ho’oponopono Certificate – w/ Dr. Hew Len, Spiritual Teacher & Joe Vitale, Spiritual Teacher & Author  2021
  • Law of Attraction Training – w/ Joe Vitale, Spiritual Teacher & Author  2021
  • Jin Shin Jyutsu Skills For Life – Part 1 through Part 5 – w/ Astrid Kauffmann, BSc, TIDHA, MFHT, JSJ Practitioner  2023-2024
  • Spring Forest Qigong Level 1 – w/ Roxy Wright, Cert. Qigong Trainer  2024

Hello!  Thanks for visiting!

I’ve been blessed to work
with some of the best teachers
and trainers at the top of their field. 

It’s been wonderful and hugely rewarding to be able
to pursue education, training / certification in
brain science, clinical hypnosis, and many 
natural health and healing techniques.

I love learning and continue to satisfy my own curiousity all the time.

When working with clients, I can always count on EFT.
Tapping is the one healing and wellness modality which helps everyone –
both logical, rule-based thinkers, and energy-aware clients.

What are you working on?  I’d love to support you
in feeling happier, and reaching your goals!


Contact Janice - Join me on Social Media!
Which Meetup or Facebook group fits your interests?
Get Connected to the Best EFT Training & EFT Events (now & later)

EFT in Calgary
- Meetup Group

See dates for coming EFT Practitioner trainings, workshops, classes & EFT events

Janice's EFT Facebook
Tapping page

Connect with EFT.
Tapping tips, wording, & EFT Scripts. All Events posted here, for Alberta and other Provinces

EFT in Red Deer
& Central AB.

See dates for coming EFT Practitioner trainings, workshops, classes & EFT events

EFT in Calgary
- Facebook Page

EFT Tapping Events for
Calgary & Central AB.
are posted here.

Janice's FB (Public)
Weight Loss Group

Tapping to release stress,
cravings, limiting beliefs,
frustration, & more...

FREE Tap-Alongs
& Events

FREE Tap-along evenings
& single Classes
by "topic"

Join for Tapping tips & news... or to keep up with new EFT events.

For Contact / About Page

I’ve been blessed to work with some of the best teachers and trainers at the top of their field. 

It’s been wonderful and hugely rewarding to be able to pursue education, training / certification in brain science, clinical hypnosis, and many  natural health and healing techniques.

Janice's Training and Wellness Education

  • Cert. Clinical Hypnotherapist w/ Randal Churchill, Hypnotherapy Training Institute 
  • Membership w/ National Guild of Hypnotists since 2005
  • NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) w/ Richard Bandler
  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Bootcamp / work of Dr. R Callahan
  • Reiki II and Energy Healing w/ Susan Fox, AA
  • Emotional Intelligence w/ Beryl Comar
  • Brain Gender Science w/ Beverly Taylor
  • Brain Dialogue Levels I & II w/ Susan Fox, AA
  • Bariatric Surgery Support for the Mind w/Rosemary Schulman (NGH)
  • Vibrational Medicine & Conklin Method of Cellular Cleansing w/ Patti Conklin
  • Energy Healing – 4 years in structured programs
  • Sound Wellness for Life / Sound WEllness for Others –  w/ Sharon Carne, B.Mus., M.F.A
  • Sound Wellness Practitioner w/ Sharon Carne, B.Mus., M.F.

While I continue to learn various new wellness techniques to satisfy my own curiousity...
when working with clients, I count on EFT to be the one modality which helps
both logical, ruled based thinkers, as well as energy aware clients.

EFT doesn't do everything
for everyone,
yet what it does do
may astound you!

Gary Craig,
Founder of EFT 

10 Step Talk & Tap for website - 1

Get Your FREE 10 Step Talk & Tap Guide
It’s Simple & Effective – Maximize Your Results!

EFT Tapping

Let me know how I can be of assistance to you.

Contact:   (403) 710 4443

[email protected]

Client appointments.: Calgary and central Alberta,
plus Canada  and internationally over Zoom.
EFT Practitioner Certificate Trainings are available across Canada.

Snail Mail Address:  44 27305 Twp Rd 391,  
Red Deer, AB.  T4S 2A1

EFT Tapping

Let me know how I can be of
assistance to you.

Contact:   (403) 710 4443

[email protected]

Client appointments.: Calgary & central Alberta,
plus Canada  and internationally over Zoom.

EFT Practitioner Certificate Trainings are available across Canada.

Snail Mail Address:
Janice Smylie – EFT
44 27305 Twp Rd 391,
Red Deer, AB.  T4S 2A1