Welcome to JaniceSmylie-EFT

EFT Practitioner Certificate Training. EFT Private Sessions. Get Tapping Support.

Welcome to JaniceSmylie-EFT

EFT Practitioner Certificate Training. EFT Private Sessions. Get Tapping Support.

Welcome to EFT!

Get  the benefits of EFT!  Use Tapping for changing or releasing feelings to make your life feel lighter and better… right away.  Whatever-it-is that worries you most… EFT can offer you faster stress and trauma release. Get better measurable results in a private session now. You can gain more inner peace, and an easier path to the kind of meaningful changes you desire!   

Rapid, sometimes surprising, results can come with EFT.  “Tapping” is gentle and powerful; a natural acupressure technique. Usually with EFT, the more intense your pain or issue is, the faster EFT will help reduce or resolve it!

I see Tapping provide really valuable changes all the time.

Welcome to EFT with Janice Smylie

Janice Smylie, CHt, NLP, Reiki II, EFT,

EFT Practitioner Trainer, EFT Coach & Practitioner

Welcome to EFT!

Get  the benefits of EFT!  Use Tapping for changing or releasing feelings to make your life feel lighter and better… right away.  Whatever-it-is that worries you most… EFT can offer you faster stress and trauma release. Get better measurable results in a private session now. You can gain more inner peace, and an easier path to the kind of meaningful changes you desire!   

Rapid, sometimes surprising, results can come with EFT.  “Tapping” is gentle and powerful; a natural acupressure technique. Usually with EFT, the more intense your pain or issue is, the faster EFT will help reduce or resolve it!

I see Tapping provide really valuable changes all the time.

Welcome to EFT with Janice Smylie

Janice Smylie, CHt, NLP, Reiki II, EFT,

EFT Practitioner Trainer, EFT Coach & Practitioner
10 Step Talk & Tap for website - 1

Get Your FREE 10 Step Talk & Tap Guide
It’s Simple & Effective – Maximize Your Results!

For more EFT Tapping Resources… visit my ETSY Shop

Please favourite my shop to see new resources as they arrive.

In a clinical study of Emotional Freedom Technique's
gentle Acupressure - the results show 62.3%
reduction of stress and anxiety -
with just 10 minutes' Tapping!

In a Caretakers/Clinicians EFT study, their
Stress and Anxiety was reduced 45% (in an ongoing way!)
with just a SINGLE one-day Tapping workshop.

In a clinical study of Emotional Freedom Technique's
gentle Acupressure - the results show 62.3%
reduction of stress and anxiety -
with just 10 minutes' Tapping!

In a Caretakers/Clinicians EFT study, their
Stress and Anxiety was reduced 45% (in an ongoing way!)
with just a SINGLE one-day Tapping workshop.

Who is EFT for?

Everyone.  Including YOU.  Negative emotions or beliefs from experiences we have had can remain with us.  Feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness, shame, or loss from our childhood, or from present challenging situations, can be directly reduced or completely resolved with Tapping.

Your life is ALL about you. What you think, what you believe, and what you will or will not allow yourself to do.  EFT can help clear being stuck in rumination, to gain you freedom from the past.  

If you have stored trauma, resentment, grief, disappointment, heartbreak, or abandonment – EFT is for you.  When you release unseen links to self-sabotage with EFT, Tapping can then help you to build effective new habits for success. 

Nothing changes – until YOU change something!  Get help now to stay focused within Tapping, so you are able to get rewarding results you might not have previously thought possible for you.

EFT Tapping

Who is EFT for?

Everyone.  Including YOU.  Negative emotions or beliefs from experiences we have had can remain with us.  Feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness, shame, or loss from our childhood, or from present challenging situations, can be directly reduced or completely resolved with Tapping.

Your life is ALL about you. What you think, what you believe, and what you will or will not allow yourself to do.  EFT can help clear being stuck in rumination, to gain you freedom from the past.  

If you have stored trauma, resentment, grief, disappointment, heartbreak, or abandonment – EFT is for you.  When you release unseen links to self-sabotage with EFT, Tapping can then help you to build effective new habits for success. 

Nothing changes – until YOU change something!  Get help now to stay focused within Tapping, so you are able to get rewarding results you might not have previously thought possible for you.

EFT Tapping

Trauma limits our action in ourselves,
and our actions into the world.

~ Dr. Peter Levine, PhD. ~

10 Step Talk & Tap for website - 1

Get Your FREE 10 Step Talk & Tap Guide
It’s Simple & Effective – Maximize Your Results!

For more EFT Tapping Resources… visit my ETSY Shop

Please favourite my shop to see new resources as they arrive.

Experience the Benefits of Releasing Feeling Angry, Sad or Disappointed...

Past and present traumas, and our emotional fears and challenges, can hold us trapped in a invisible state of vulnerability.

Hidden vulnerabilities never go away, unless we see them and actively release them.

If you feel immobilized and can’t see how to change your situation, or are unable to follow through on taking actions to make improvements in your life, come see how Tapping can help you move forward.  You can address these issues, and more…

  • reducing stress / releasing anxiety
  • dialing down emotional / physical pain
  • trauma / PTSD / boundary issue triggers
  • emotionally abusive relationships
  • negative, repetitive thought loops
  • feeling overwhelmed / powerless
  • self-sabotaging behaviours / bad habits
  • feeling stuck – lack of hope / purpose / clarity
  • not having ‘enough’ / not feeling ‘good enough’
  • relentless inner critic / perfectionism 
  • unloved / abandoned

Ready to Tap?  Call to chat (free 20 minutes) to see how Tapping can be most helpful for you. Make a plan and take action! Call Janice at  (403) 710 4443

Experience the Benefits of Releasing Feeling Angry, Sad or Disappointed...

Past and present traumas, and our emotional fears and challenges, can hold us trapped in a invisible state of vulnerability.

Hidden vulnerabilities never go away, unless we see them and actively release them.

If you feel immobilized and can’t see how to change your situation, or are unable to follow through on taking actions to make improvements in your life, come see how Tapping can help you move forward.  You can address these issues, and more…

  • reducing stress / releasing anxiety
  • dialing down emotional / physical pain
  • trauma / PTSD / boundary issue triggers
  • emotionally abusive relationships
  • negative, repetitive thought loops
  • feeling overwhelmed / powerless
  • self-sabotaging behaviours / bad habits
  • feeling stuck – lack of hope / purpose / clarity
  • not having ‘enough’ / not feeling ‘good enough’
  • relentless inner critic / perfectionism 
  • unloved / abandoned

Ready to Tap?  Call to chat (free 20 minutes) to see how Tapping can be most helpful for you. Make a plan and take action! Call Janice at  (403) 710 4443

You Can Become an EFT Practitioner, an EFT Client,
or just Tap-along, right here.

You Can Become an EFT Practitioner, an EFT Client,
or just Tap-along, right here.

EFT is Easy to Learn and Simple to Use

Become an
EFT Practitioner

Gary Craig, Founder of EFT
set the EFT training workshops
content for new EFT Practitioners.
Approved EFT workshops -
EFT Practitioners Level I & II

Feel confident about using EFT in Private Sessions

Get EFT Results -
Private Sessions

It can help to have someone
to Tap with. Feel safe working
with Janice on sensitive issues.
Experience meaningful releases
and success with Tapping!

Get Freedom with EFT Tap Alongs

Get The Words...
Tap-Along Scripts

Tap-Along scripts and audios are
available for you, addressing
a variety of concerns & issues.
Find the "right words" to Tap with
to address your situation...

EFT is Easy to Learn and Simple to Use

Become an
EFT Practitioner

Gary Craig, Founder of EFT
set the EFT training workshops
content for new EFT Practitioners.
Approved EFT workshops -
EFT Practitioners Level I & II

Feel confident about using EFT in Private Sessions

Get EFT Results -
Private Sessions

It can help to have someone
to Tap with. Feel safe working
with Janice on sensitive issues.
Experience meaningful releases
and success with Tapping!

Get Freedom with EFT Tap Alongs

Get The Words...
Tap-Along Scripts

Tap-Along scripts and audios are
available for you, addressing
a variety of concerns & issues.
Find the "right words" to Tap with
to address your situation...

Benefit from 5 Private Tapping Weight Loss Sessions
EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss - 7 Week Program.

(Private Sessions offer has a Great Bonus!)

START achieving your goals!

  • Tapping empowers your weight loss – 
         Stops “mindless” emotional eating
         Crush Cravings – as they are happening! 
  • Easy to follow worksheets and videos
  • Change your relationship with food 
  • Stop feeling deprived, or “not enough”
  • Follow a simple Tapping “plan” 
  • Address old habits and behaviours –
    Stop doing the things that stop YOU!
  • Find the actions and behaviours which DO
    support you, and your goals.
  • Begin feeling empowered in your choices

EFT's Clinical Weight Loss Study - Avg. Loss 16 lbs. over 8 Weeks

Benefit from 5 Private Tapping Weight Loss Sessions
EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss - 7 Week Program.

(Private Sessions offer has a Great Bonus!)

EFT's Clinical Weight Loss Study - Avg. Loss 16 lbs. over 8 Weeks

A Clinical Study made in Bond University, Australia,
found EFT’s Weight Loss results to be

16 lbs. lost in 8 weeks.

EFT outperformed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (which has been the
Gold Standard to date) for eliminating cravings, and increasing weight loss.

Impressively, the EFT 1 year review showed
no weight was re-gained.

START achieving your goals!

  • Tapping empowers your weight loss – 
         Stops “mindless” emotional eating
         Crush Cravings – as they are happening! 
  • Easy to follow worksheets and videos
  • Change your relationship with food 
  • Stop feeling deprived, or “not enough”
  • Follow a simple Tapping “plan” 
  • Address old habits and behaviours –
    Stop doing the things that stop YOU!
  • Find the actions and behaviours which DO
    support you, and your goals.
  • Begin feeling empowered in your choices

A Clinical Study made in Bond University, Australia,
found EFT’s Weight Loss results to be

16 lbs. lost in 8 weeks.

EFT outperformed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (which has been the
Gold Standard to date) for eliminating cravings, and increasing weight loss.

Impressively, the EFT 1 year review showed
no weight was re-gained.

Testimonials - Women & Men love Tapping!

Tapping for Weight-Habit Changes – Transformational!

I was stunned when I got home and got on the scale.  I weigh 128!!!  Just like I did when I left for Vancouver.  I swear it’s because of the Tapping.

I’ve been listening to the recordings and Tapping every day.  I’m so grateful! It’s been transformational for me.

I would love to encourage anyone else to get the same benefit that I received from working with you.

Bonnie L., Victoria, BC.

Intro to EFT – Informative & Rewarding!

For Testimonials

Thanks Janice for a very informative and rewarding class!  I am so glad I attended!!  So much better than just reading a book on EFT and meeting like-minded people was an added bonus!

Your knowledge and delivery of the subject and the practice sessions exceeded my expectation.  I will be telling everyone about EFT and your workshop!

Trisha, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level III – 10 Yrs of Foot Pain Gone! Releasing Trauma – EFT is Changing Lives!

For Testimonials

EFT has the power to changes lives.  It can help with so many different things.  My husband has had foot pain for almost 10 years, and once we tapped on his pain,  he has had great relief, and the pain has not come back.  EFT worked so well that he does not need to wear special inserts any longer!

Even more amazing is the effect EFT has for those dealing with trauma.  I work in the field of trauma and use EFT regularly.  Many clients say they physically feel a shift in their minds or bodies using EFT, and after they feel more relaxed and ready to use EFT to help them with triggers and flashbacks.

EFT has the power to change lives and Janice is the perfect teacher/practitioner to get you started!

J.A.D., Lloydminster, AB.

Intro to EFT Class – Narcissistic Ex.

For Testimonials

I came to the EFT program because I could not shake the emotional connection to my narcissistic ex-boyfriend.  I was crying everyday and the grief was overwhelming.

After one session of Tapping, I felt such a relief!  I felt calm and centered and felt that my emotional upset was decreased by at least 80%.  At this point now I wake up feeling happy in the morning and my outlook so much more positive.

Cheryl C. Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – In Depth Training

For Testimonials

I liked learning and experiencing EFT’s ease of use, it’s ability to work on a range of things and it’s lasting power.  This showed me a new door to my subconscious.

I appreciated the fact that it was an in-depth training and had multiple resources.  I found the training educational.  You’re awesome Janice, thanks so very much!

Ryan M, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Diverting a Migraine

For Testimonials

I really enjoyed Sunday’s presentation and tapping.  It was great meeting you Janice.  EFT is Awesome!

P.S.  I have been including the ankle points for migraines and yesterday was able to divert the one that was creeping up on me.  Hooray!!!

Sue R., Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Husband says EFT worked for him!

For Testimonials

Thank you so much for a very informative and interactive evening!

My husband told me he has already done Tapping a couple of times himself, and EFT worked for him 🙂

Charity Wiebe, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Explaining the Science

For Testimonials

I love learning more about how and why EFT works… No question to me that it is effective.  Thank you Janice for explaining the science so well and being a great support!  You really make a difference in people’s lives.

By the way, my Mom commented that she really enjoyed learning EFT and that she liked your spark, your bravery, and your caring.

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss – I loved the whole process!

For Testimonials

The EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss Program is absolutely amazing. It was all helpful in different and awesome ways.

The Tapping process charts were most helpful of all…  I loved the whole process!

  • The Process Charts – I liked these the most!
  • The Videos – because I’m a visual person
  • Worksheets – great info and helpful tools
  • Calendars – alternate choices / stress relief

I loved the weekly Tapping with others, too. Using Keto with Tapping I lost 23 pounds, and completely changed how I think and behave about emotional eating. The program really makes you think, and then help yourself, as the program goes along.

Denise D., Red Deer, AB.

Friends & Family Tapping – Getting Clear

For Testimonials

Enjoyed learning the tapping process, all the practices, and the size of the class.

The tapping practices were really helpful in keeping focused on clearing specific issues.

Doreen B., Calgary, AB.

Dramatically Reducing Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

Only people with chronic pain will really understand what it is like to be in nearly constant pain.  After Tapping only about 20 minutes my pain levels went dramatically down to a whisper.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, this Tapping has given me a very real sense of getting my life back, of having some actual quality of life.  Private Tapping sessions are truly worth it!

After our Tapping work together, I have cancelled my appointment to have the nerves burned in my low back as the Tapping is helping so much that the risk involved with this procedure is no longer worth it.

I had an appointment with my GP today (to discuss how long I have been sick) and I told her why I no longer want this procedure.  Her jaw literally slackened when I told her why.  She had never heard of Tapping, and she asked me lots of questions.  I mentioned your name (hope you don’t mind).

Evelyn A., Airdrie, AB.

I highly recommend Janice to be your EFT Trainer & Coach

For Testimonials

Imagine feeling like you keep tripping over life’s little speed bumps.  Your entire situation feels like a rocky road (without marshmallows!), and the joy has been lost out of your life.

Working with Janice, I’ve learned so many EFT secrets.  I feel Janice is a highly experienced specialist in making things better.  She has made and continues to make a huge difference in my life with her caring ways, expert stress reduction and natural health knowledge.  I feel truly blessed to be one of Janice’s friends, clients and colleagues.  I highly recommend her to be your EFT trainer & coach.

Susan Fox, CH  —  National Guild of Hypnotists Columnist

Susan Fox, Avon, Ohio.

EFT Practitioner Level I – Nothing Better than Immediate Results!

For Testimonials

I really find value in EFT for pretty much any area I may be struggling with.

This technique is quick, easy and provides immediate results… who could ask for anything better?

Bobbie, Calgary, AB.

EFT Class – ​Conflict, Lies & Betrayal

For Testimonials

I feel so I inspired and supported.  It was a safe comfortable space for everyone present to exercise openness, honesty & vulnerability.​

J.J.H. Calgary, AB.

Right Leg and Left Knee Replacement Pain – Turns Off!

For Testimonials

In Kath’s Left knee replacement operation, her Doctor hit a spinal nerve doing the epidural, turning on pain in her Right leg.  This pain was a sharp “10” whenever anything touched her skin from her right knee to her toes!

After Q&A, and 10 minutes of Tapping, this pain in her right leg turned off.  Great, I thought.  Another success story!

But, Kath felt disappointed!!!   OMG!   Why?

Kath told me she had hoped the Left knee replacement would finally stop a longstanding fiery pain in the back of her Left knee and calf, but those pains hadn’t gone away after the operation!

We did a different, very specific kind of Tapping, and in 15 minutes we turned off that fiery pain which had been present for five years.

Neither of these pains returned.

Pain coming to a stop (?) – this is common with Tapping!  (told by Janice, with Kath’s permission)

Kath R., Calgary, AB.

Private Sessions re: Weight – Transformational Benefits

For Testimonials

I wanted to let you know about the benefits I am seeing from the work we did together, and how grateful I am.

Thank you so much for your guidance.  It’s been transformational for me.

Bonnie L., Victoria, BC.

Friends & Family Tapping – Life is Crazy

For Testimonials

I liked the personalized practice time and seeing the immediate benefit of tapping.  I liked the acknowledgment and validation.

EFT is a great way to cope – something I can do to steady myself when life is crazy.

C.B., Calgary, AB.

EFT, Emotions & Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

What an honour to meet you Janice, thank you for sharing your experiences, your professional and genuine care for us.

Through Tapping, I experienced a release of emotional and physical pain.  I awoke with no lower back pain, it’s been a long time.

I now know how to release past emotional pains which I thought I just had to live with, bury out of sight no matter how big or small.  I will work on those emotions which have kept me in dis-ease and address those in the future as they appear, by Tapping.

If you want to know how to “Just let it go” as many people have told you, Tapping is how.  I am well on my way to betterment.

Marlene, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Amazing & Inspiring!

For Testimonials

It was amazing!

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and passion about EFT, it was truly inspiring.

Chelsea, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner I & II – Addressing Fears and Phobias

For Testimonials

I also wanted to share that during my holidays at the lake I was so relaxed and free from my fear of sharks.

It even has trickled down to other fears which have lessened.  I’m truly grateful and impressed with EFT.

Trish F., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I – Practitioner Demonstrations​

For Testimonials

Thank you Janice for a very informative EFT Level I course!

I found it very helpful to review the materials “live” and to see the real-time demonstrations of how to work flexibly with the terms that people bring up.

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Awesome!

For Testimonials

Awesome evening. 🙂

You always bring such great enthusiasm and helpful insights to your workshops, Janice.

Ann, Calgary, AB.

Tapping to Address Conflict

For Testimonials

I sent my daughter to you some time ago for a private session, and I wanted you to know Tapping has helped her to find her footing.

She’s happy now in her life, and is now more able to negotiate uncomfortable situations.

I’m delighted by this!  Thank you for your part in her healing.

S.H.S., Calgary, AB.

Private Session – Releasing Stress & OCD

For Testimonials

You have helped me more than you realize with the tapping session this afternoon.

I will continue tapping on a regular basis and make EFT part of my life.  I have suffered my entire life from stress and OCD, and I’ve always tried to please everyone around me.

Thank you so much for your sound advice and kindness.

J.S.D. Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level II – Re: Tapping Demonstrations

For Testimonials

I can’t believe how wonderful I feel and buzzing with excitement that this issue’s weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders…

I really want to pursue EFT as a practitioner.

I am so grateful that I was able to attend your course.  Thanks again!

Cindy M., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Pursue being an EFT Practitioner with Confidence

Janice’s EFT Level I & II training is filled with great suggestions for effective client work and excellent additional practitioner resources.  I found Janice to be very organized , professional and a wealth of knowledge in EFT.  I appreciate Janice’s practical encouragement which supports me in taking action as an EFT Practitioner.  I highly recommend EFT Practitioner Certification training with Janice.  She is very thorough in her training.  It was a three day training that gave me a wealth of knowledge to pursue being an EFT Practitioner with confidence.

MS, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Fantastic

In person EFT training classes / workshops

That was a fantastic Intro to EFT Class!!

It was a great refresher for me, and a fantastic presentation for people who are new to EFT.  I loved how you presented the info and then did Tapping example practice rounds.  You were professional; everything was very thorough and healing.

M.S., AB.

EFT Practitioner Level II – Lots of Information & Resources

For Testimonials

It was a lot of information!

Great learning, practices, and new tapping spots.  Definitely will be using the ankle one next time I have a headache. LOL.  Now its just time to set up my schedule to tap everyday.

Denise, Calgary, AB.

Private Tapping – Anorexia & Depression – 1 year later

For Testimonials

I just saw the lady I referred to you last year, and I asked how it went.

The mother of the teen girl (suffering from weight-loss and depression) said her daughter thought you were a strange woman.

But that it was OK… because her daughter had returned to her normal, happy self!

J.F.M., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I​ – Exceeded My Expectations

Janice was articulate and provided the right level of detail for an introductory session.  Exceeded my expectations!

The Level 1 Workshop provided the right mix of theory and practice.  Janice is a great instructor.

Janice F., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Great Trainer

For Testimonials

It was an excellent training, very personal.  Actually used and saw benefits of tapping.

Well worth the cost.  EFT works.  Great trainer.

Kevin C., Calgary, AB.

Great Results – Accident Trauma and Pain Released

For Testimonials

My teenage daughter was hurt in a car accident.  Her tail bone was fractured, she had a cracked rib, lots of bruising, plus the trauma of being knocked unconscious and waking with ambulance attendants.

The tailbone pain was the worst.  She complained about the endless pain stopping her from ever finding a comfortable position to be in, all day long!  Walking, standing, sitting, and even lying down all hurt.  Even at night she couldn’t get much sleep because when she moved, pain would wake her up.

I knew about Tapping, so I took her to a private Tapping session with Janice.  We Tapped about the accident details, the diagnosis, the reality of broken bones and pain messages, how to turn the volume of pain down, and more.

The end result was great!  She talked about her ribs while healing over the next weeks, but after that one session she didn’t talk about her tailbone at all… and that had been the worst, most tiring and aggravating part she’d been dealing with!

Charity Wiebe, Calgary, AB.

Private Session – High Stress Released

For Testimonials

Thank you so much for the personal EFT session today!  I really do feel so much lighter!

EFT is amazing!  Thank you again; much appreciated!

Annette, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – An Amazing Day

For Testimonials

EFT Level I. What an amazing day yesterday. The course was really good.

Janice’s 15 years of knowledge and experience was so evident. Thank you, and looking forward to the EFT level II course.

EFT Level II. It was great. Awesome days. You are an inspiration Janice. Looking forward to working in this field.

Gigi Grant, Calgary, AB.

Friends & Family Class – Releasing Deep Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

First I wanted to tell you what a strange experience it was, just after we finished tapping.

I could feel that a lot of the pain and tension had gone, and it almost felt like a phantom limb…  I could sense where the pain used to be but it wasn’t there anymore.  It was like a cloud of relief around my shoulders.  Very unusual sensation!

Since then I’ve noticed the pain is much reduced.  I have some more work to go, and I do need chiropractic realignment.  But I feel confident for the first time in ages that it is actually very possible to get things back where they should be.  I will definitely be pursuing more tapping with you!

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – 5 Star Pain Relief

5 stars!  A great understanding of how to transform your thoughts for positive results and/or pain relief, when using Tapping.

Kim., Calgary, AB.

Private Sessions – Arthritis Pain – Gone!

For Testimonials

I had been taking 4 to 6 Arthritis pain killers every day for 3 years for arthritis pain in my hands.  Even with pain-killers the pain never completely went away.

I tried EFT, Tapping three times every day.  After 30 days, I was taking 4 to 6 pain killers a week, instead of taking 4 to 6 every day.

Now I can enjoy knitting again!  I am sold on EFT!

Thelma M., Sylvan Lake, AB.

Intro to EFT – Letting Pain Go

For Testimonials

These sessions are invaluable in helping to control pain, physical or otherwise.

Even though I have been tapping for a while and have been experiencing the benefits, I always learn something new when we meet.

EFT truly is a way to experience better quality of life and doing the tapping in a group setting has it’s own ‘magic.’  Thank you Janice for sharing your knowledge and experience and for making the trek to Airdrie to do it.

Evelyn A., Airdrie, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Excellent Resources from an Experienced Practitioner Trainer

For Testimonials

What I found beneficial about the training with Janice was

– Excellent Resources
– Value of 9 Gamut
– Info from an experienced Practitioner trainer
– Tapping practices with other learners

M. Fox, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I​ – Lots of Great information

For Testimonials

I very much enjoyed the course.  Janice is a very knowledgeable teacher and made EFT interesting and fun.

Lots of great information and the class had lots of practice time.  I’m looking forward to taking other courses in the future with Janice.

John M., Edmonton, AB.

Janice is amazing at what she does with EFT

For Testimonials

Janice is amazing at what she does.  After just one session I was able to let go of limiting beliefs that had been holding me back for years.

But the best part for me was the tools Janice gave me to use EFT and Tapping whenever I need them!

Not only is Janice excellent at EFT, she is also very funny and nice to work with.  I highly recommend her!

Ryan James Lock,
Business Success Coach,

Ryan James Lock, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Measurable Results

For Testimonials

Well presented, easy to follow training with detail given to all aspects.

I liked the fast measurable percentage of results, and the openness of the presenter to provide resources to help get started.

Cathy H., Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Great Info!

For Testimonials

Thanks so much for last night’s class.  I really learned a lot.

I am looking forward to using this wonderful technique.

Carol, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I – RE: Practitioner Practices​

For Testimonials

In EFT Practitioner – Level 1,  I wasn’t sure what to expect and was completely blown away at times and experiencing “AHA” moments.

I truly appreciate the support from the group as things got emotional and cleansing.  I’m really looking forward to practicing EFT for myself and once feeling proficient, sharing it with others.  Stay Calm and Tap ON!

Cindy M, Calgary, AB.

Testimonials - Women & Men love Tapping!

Private Tapping – Anorexia & Depression – 1 year later

For Testimonials

I just saw the lady I referred to you last year, and I asked how it went.

The mother of the teen girl (suffering from weight-loss and depression) said her daughter thought you were a strange woman.

But that it was OK… because her daughter had returned to her normal, happy self!

J.F.M., Calgary, AB.

Private Session – Releasing Stress & OCD

For Testimonials

You have helped me more than you realize with the tapping session this afternoon.

I will continue tapping on a regular basis and make EFT part of my life.  I have suffered my entire life from stress and OCD, and I’ve always tried to please everyone around me.

Thank you so much for your sound advice and kindness.

J.S.D. Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Pursue being an EFT Practitioner with Confidence

Janice’s EFT Level I & II training is filled with great suggestions for effective client work and excellent additional practitioner resources.  I found Janice to be very organized , professional and a wealth of knowledge in EFT.  I appreciate Janice’s practical encouragement which supports me in taking action as an EFT Practitioner.  I highly recommend EFT Practitioner Certification training with Janice.  She is very thorough in her training.  It was a three day training that gave me a wealth of knowledge to pursue being an EFT Practitioner with confidence.

MS, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Measurable Results

For Testimonials

Well presented, easy to follow training with detail given to all aspects.

I liked the fast measurable percentage of results, and the openness of the presenter to provide resources to help get started.

Cathy H., Calgary, AB.

Friends & Family Class – Releasing Deep Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

First I wanted to tell you what a strange experience it was, just after we finished tapping.

I could feel that a lot of the pain and tension had gone, and it almost felt like a phantom limb…  I could sense where the pain used to be but it wasn’t there anymore.  It was like a cloud of relief around my shoulders.  Very unusual sensation!

Since then I’ve noticed the pain is much reduced.  I have some more work to go, and I do need chiropractic realignment.  But I feel confident for the first time in ages that it is actually very possible to get things back where they should be.  I will definitely be pursuing more tapping with you!

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Great Info!

For Testimonials

Thanks so much for last night’s class.  I really learned a lot.

I am looking forward to using this wonderful technique.

Carol, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Awesome!

For Testimonials

Awesome evening. 🙂

You always bring such great enthusiasm and helpful insights to your workshops, Janice.

Ann, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – An Amazing Day

For Testimonials

EFT Level I. What an amazing day yesterday. The course was really good.

Janice’s 15 years of knowledge and experience was so evident. Thank you, and looking forward to the EFT level II course.

EFT Level II. It was great. Awesome days. You are an inspiration Janice. Looking forward to working in this field.

Gigi Grant, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I​ – Exceeded My Expectations

Janice was articulate and provided the right level of detail for an introductory session.  Exceeded my expectations!

The Level 1 Workshop provided the right mix of theory and practice.  Janice is a great instructor.

Janice F., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I​ – Lots of Great information

For Testimonials

I very much enjoyed the course.  Janice is a very knowledgeable teacher and made EFT interesting and fun.

Lots of great information and the class had lots of practice time.  I’m looking forward to taking other courses in the future with Janice.

John M., Edmonton, AB.

Intro to EFT – Explaining the Science

For Testimonials

I love learning more about how and why EFT works… No question to me that it is effective.  Thank you Janice for explaining the science so well and being a great support!  You really make a difference in people’s lives.

By the way, my Mom commented that she really enjoyed learning EFT and that she liked your spark, your bravery, and your caring.

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss – I loved the whole process!

For Testimonials

The EFT-Tapping for Weight Loss Program is absolutely amazing. It was all helpful in different and awesome ways.

The Tapping process charts were most helpful of all…  I loved the whole process!

  • The Process Charts – I liked these the most!
  • The Videos – because I’m a visual person
  • Worksheets – great info and helpful tools
  • Calendars – alternate choices / stress relief

I loved the weekly Tapping with others, too. Using Keto with Tapping I lost 23 pounds, and completely changed how I think and behave about emotional eating. The program really makes you think, and then help yourself, as the program goes along.

Denise D., Red Deer, AB.

I highly recommend Janice to be your EFT Trainer & Coach

For Testimonials

Imagine feeling like you keep tripping over life’s little speed bumps.  Your entire situation feels like a rocky road (without marshmallows!), and the joy has been lost out of your life.

Working with Janice, I’ve learned so many EFT secrets.  I feel Janice is a highly experienced specialist in making things better.  She has made and continues to make a huge difference in my life with her caring ways, expert stress reduction and natural health knowledge.  I feel truly blessed to be one of Janice’s friends, clients and colleagues.  I highly recommend her to be your EFT trainer & coach.

Susan Fox, CH  —  National Guild of Hypnotists Columnist

Susan Fox, Avon, Ohio.

EFT Practitioner Level II – Re: Tapping Demonstrations

For Testimonials

I can’t believe how wonderful I feel and buzzing with excitement that this issue’s weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders…

I really want to pursue EFT as a practitioner.

I am so grateful that I was able to attend your course.  Thanks again!

Cindy M., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level II – Lots of Information & Resources

For Testimonials

It was a lot of information!

Great learning, practices, and new tapping spots.  Definitely will be using the ankle one next time I have a headache. LOL.  Now its just time to set up my schedule to tap everyday.

Denise, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Informative & Rewarding!

For Testimonials

Thanks Janice for a very informative and rewarding class!  I am so glad I attended!!  So much better than just reading a book on EFT and meeting like-minded people was an added bonus!

Your knowledge and delivery of the subject and the practice sessions exceeded my expectation.  I will be telling everyone about EFT and your workshop!

Trisha, Calgary, AB.

Tapping for Weight-Habit Changes – Transformational!

I was stunned when I got home and got on the scale.  I weigh 128!!!  Just like I did when I left for Vancouver.  I swear it’s because of the Tapping.

I’ve been listening to the recordings and Tapping every day.  I’m so grateful! It’s been transformational for me.

I would love to encourage anyone else to get the same benefit that I received from working with you.

Bonnie L., Victoria, BC.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Excellent Resources from an Experienced Practitioner Trainer

For Testimonials

What I found beneficial about the training with Janice was

– Excellent Resources
– Value of 9 Gamut
– Info from an experienced Practitioner trainer
– Tapping practices with other learners

M. Fox, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Amazing & Inspiring!

For Testimonials

It was amazing!

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and passion about EFT, it was truly inspiring.

Chelsea, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Fantastic

In person EFT training classes / workshops

That was a fantastic Intro to EFT Class!!

It was a great refresher for me, and a fantastic presentation for people who are new to EFT.  I loved how you presented the info and then did Tapping example practice rounds.  You were professional; everything was very thorough and healing.

M.S., AB.

Great Results – Accident Trauma and Pain Released

For Testimonials

My teenage daughter was hurt in a car accident.  Her tail bone was fractured, she had a cracked rib, lots of bruising, plus the trauma of being knocked unconscious and waking with ambulance attendants.

The tailbone pain was the worst.  She complained about the endless pain stopping her from ever finding a comfortable position to be in, all day long!  Walking, standing, sitting, and even lying down all hurt.  Even at night she couldn’t get much sleep because when she moved, pain would wake her up.

I knew about Tapping, so I took her to a private Tapping session with Janice.  We Tapped about the accident details, the diagnosis, the reality of broken bones and pain messages, how to turn the volume of pain down, and more.

The end result was great!  She talked about her ribs while healing over the next weeks, but after that one session she didn’t talk about her tailbone at all… and that had been the worst, most tiring and aggravating part she’d been dealing with!

Charity Wiebe, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – 5 Star Pain Relief

5 stars!  A great understanding of how to transform your thoughts for positive results and/or pain relief, when using Tapping.

Kim., Calgary, AB.

Private Sessions re: Weight – Transformational Benefits

For Testimonials

I wanted to let you know about the benefits I am seeing from the work we did together, and how grateful I am.

Thank you so much for your guidance.  It’s been transformational for me.

Bonnie L., Victoria, BC.

Intro to EFT – Letting Pain Go

For Testimonials

These sessions are invaluable in helping to control pain, physical or otherwise.

Even though I have been tapping for a while and have been experiencing the benefits, I always learn something new when we meet.

EFT truly is a way to experience better quality of life and doing the tapping in a group setting has it’s own ‘magic.’  Thank you Janice for sharing your knowledge and experience and for making the trek to Airdrie to do it.

Evelyn A., Airdrie, AB.

Intro to EFT Class – Narcissistic Ex.

For Testimonials

I came to the EFT program because I could not shake the emotional connection to my narcissistic ex-boyfriend.  I was crying everyday and the grief was overwhelming.

After one session of Tapping, I felt such a relief!  I felt calm and centered and felt that my emotional upset was decreased by at least 80%.  At this point now I wake up feeling happy in the morning and my outlook so much more positive.

Cheryl C. Calgary, AB.

Private Session – High Stress Released

For Testimonials

Thank you so much for the personal EFT session today!  I really do feel so much lighter!

EFT is amazing!  Thank you again; much appreciated!

Annette, Calgary, AB.

Friends & Family Tapping – Getting Clear

For Testimonials

Enjoyed learning the tapping process, all the practices, and the size of the class.

The tapping practices were really helpful in keeping focused on clearing specific issues.

Doreen B., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level III – 10 Yrs of Foot Pain Gone! Releasing Trauma – EFT is Changing Lives!

For Testimonials

EFT has the power to changes lives.  It can help with so many different things.  My husband has had foot pain for almost 10 years, and once we tapped on his pain,  he has had great relief, and the pain has not come back.  EFT worked so well that he does not need to wear special inserts any longer!

Even more amazing is the effect EFT has for those dealing with trauma.  I work in the field of trauma and use EFT regularly.  Many clients say they physically feel a shift in their minds or bodies using EFT, and after they feel more relaxed and ready to use EFT to help them with triggers and flashbacks.

EFT has the power to change lives and Janice is the perfect teacher/practitioner to get you started!

J.A.D., Lloydminster, AB.

Friends & Family Tapping – Life is Crazy

For Testimonials

I liked the personalized practice time and seeing the immediate benefit of tapping.  I liked the acknowledgment and validation.

EFT is a great way to cope – something I can do to steady myself when life is crazy.

C.B., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I – RE: Practitioner Practices​

For Testimonials

In EFT Practitioner – Level 1,  I wasn’t sure what to expect and was completely blown away at times and experiencing “AHA” moments.

I truly appreciate the support from the group as things got emotional and cleansing.  I’m really looking forward to practicing EFT for myself and once feeling proficient, sharing it with others.  Stay Calm and Tap ON!

Cindy M, Calgary, AB.

Private Sessions – Arthritis Pain – Gone!

For Testimonials

I had been taking 4 to 6 Arthritis pain killers every day for 3 years for arthritis pain in my hands.  Even with pain-killers the pain never completely went away.

I tried EFT, Tapping three times every day.  After 30 days, I was taking 4 to 6 pain killers a week, instead of taking 4 to 6 every day.

Now I can enjoy knitting again!  I am sold on EFT!

Thelma M., Sylvan Lake, AB.

Right Leg and Left Knee Replacement Pain – Turns Off!

For Testimonials

In Kath’s Left knee replacement operation, her Doctor hit a spinal nerve doing the epidural, turning on pain in her Right leg.  This pain was a sharp “10” whenever anything touched her skin from her right knee to her toes!

After Q&A, and 10 minutes of Tapping, this pain in her right leg turned off.  Great, I thought.  Another success story!

But, Kath felt disappointed!!!   OMG!   Why?

Kath told me she had hoped the Left knee replacement would finally stop a longstanding fiery pain in the back of her Left knee and calf, but those pains hadn’t gone away after the operation!

We did a different, very specific kind of Tapping, and in 15 minutes we turned off that fiery pain which had been present for five years.

Neither of these pains returned.

Pain coming to a stop (?) – this is common with Tapping!  (told by Janice, with Kath’s permission)

Kath R., Calgary, AB.

Dramatically Reducing Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

Only people with chronic pain will really understand what it is like to be in nearly constant pain.  After Tapping only about 20 minutes my pain levels went dramatically down to a whisper.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, this Tapping has given me a very real sense of getting my life back, of having some actual quality of life.  Private Tapping sessions are truly worth it!

After our Tapping work together, I have cancelled my appointment to have the nerves burned in my low back as the Tapping is helping so much that the risk involved with this procedure is no longer worth it.

I had an appointment with my GP today (to discuss how long I have been sick) and I told her why I no longer want this procedure.  Her jaw literally slackened when I told her why.  She had never heard of Tapping, and she asked me lots of questions.  I mentioned your name (hope you don’t mind).

Evelyn A., Airdrie, AB.

EFT Practitioner I & II – Addressing Fears and Phobias

For Testimonials

I also wanted to share that during my holidays at the lake I was so relaxed and free from my fear of sharks.

It even has trickled down to other fears which have lessened.  I’m truly grateful and impressed with EFT.

Trish F., Calgary, AB.

Tapping to Address Conflict

For Testimonials

I sent my daughter to you some time ago for a private session, and I wanted you to know Tapping has helped her to find her footing.

She’s happy now in her life, and is now more able to negotiate uncomfortable situations.

I’m delighted by this!  Thank you for your part in her healing.

S.H.S., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – Great Trainer

For Testimonials

It was an excellent training, very personal.  Actually used and saw benefits of tapping.

Well worth the cost.  EFT works.  Great trainer.

Kevin C., Calgary, AB.

Janice is amazing at what she does with EFT

For Testimonials

Janice is amazing at what she does.  After just one session I was able to let go of limiting beliefs that had been holding me back for years.

But the best part for me was the tools Janice gave me to use EFT and Tapping whenever I need them!

Not only is Janice excellent at EFT, she is also very funny and nice to work with.  I highly recommend her!

Ryan James Lock,
Business Success Coach,

Ryan James Lock, Calgary, AB.

EFT, Emotions & Chronic Pain

For Testimonials

What an honour to meet you Janice, thank you for sharing your experiences, your professional and genuine care for us.

Through Tapping, I experienced a release of emotional and physical pain.  I awoke with no lower back pain, it’s been a long time.

I now know how to release past emotional pains which I thought I just had to live with, bury out of sight no matter how big or small.  I will work on those emotions which have kept me in dis-ease and address those in the future as they appear, by Tapping.

If you want to know how to “Just let it go” as many people have told you, Tapping is how.  I am well on my way to betterment.

Marlene, Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I – Practitioner Demonstrations​

For Testimonials

Thank you Janice for a very informative EFT Level I course!

I found it very helpful to review the materials “live” and to see the real-time demonstrations of how to work flexibly with the terms that people bring up.

Jessica H., Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I – Nothing Better than Immediate Results!

For Testimonials

I really find value in EFT for pretty much any area I may be struggling with.

This technique is quick, easy and provides immediate results… who could ask for anything better?

Bobbie, Calgary, AB.

EFT Class – ​Conflict, Lies & Betrayal

For Testimonials

I feel so I inspired and supported.  It was a safe comfortable space for everyone present to exercise openness, honesty & vulnerability.​

J.J.H. Calgary, AB.

EFT Practitioner Level I & II – In Depth Training

For Testimonials

I liked learning and experiencing EFT’s ease of use, it’s ability to work on a range of things and it’s lasting power.  This showed me a new door to my subconscious.

I appreciated the fact that it was an in-depth training and had multiple resources.  I found the training educational.  You’re awesome Janice, thanks so very much!

Ryan M, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Husband says EFT worked for him!

For Testimonials

Thank you so much for a very informative and interactive evening!

My husband told me he has already done Tapping a couple of times himself, and EFT worked for him 🙂

Charity Wiebe, Calgary, AB.

Intro to EFT – Diverting a Migraine

For Testimonials

I really enjoyed Sunday’s presentation and tapping.  It was great meeting you Janice.  EFT is Awesome!

P.S.  I have been including the ankle points for migraines and yesterday was able to divert the one that was creeping up on me.  Hooray!!!

Sue R., Calgary, AB.

Benefit by Becoming an EFT Practitioner,
a Client, or just using 'Tap-alongs'.

Need More Details about using EFT?

use tapping to release your chronic physical pain

  • My life changed completely after I used EFT. Tapping stopped 19 YEARS of chronic pain & turned off cycles of depression 
  • Many stresses / emotional issues anchor or increase the pain level your body expresses
  • YOUR PAIN, physical / emotional CAN reduce or even completely release, with Tapping

not achieving your goals?

  • Raise your self-esteem & increase self-care
  • Deserving & worthy of love? Get self-approval!
  • Tapping empowers your weight loss – 
         Stops “mindless” emotional eating
         Crush Cravings – as they are happening! 
  • Tap with “a plan” – benefit the most from EFT
         Avg. 16 lbs. weight loss over 8 weeks with
         EFT.  No weight re-gained after one year!

EFT reduces your Stress!

  • EFT’s Clinical Studies show excellent results
    25% reduction of Cortisol, w/ 1 hr of Tapping 
    62.3% reduction of Anxiety, in 10 minutes
  • EFT’s Tapping rapidly helps clear ‘brain fog’ improving your ability to make decisions 
  • Tapping can reduce fears and anxiety, to  empower you into taking action for yourself

Rapidly reduce physical pain by 68% with Tapping

When EFT is properly applied, over 80% of all issues
achieve either a very noticeable improvement
or a complete cessation of the problem.

EFT doesn't do everything for everyone,
yet what it does do, may astound you!

~ Gary Craig, Founder of EFT ~

When EFT is properly applied, over 80% of all issues
achieve either a very noticeable improvement
or a complete cessation of the problem.

EFT doesn't do everything for everyone,
yet what it does do, may astound you!

~ Gary Craig, Founder of EFT ~


  •  Choose how you’d like to use Tapping
  •  Take Action Now
  •  Feel less Stressed, Right Away